Creative Services
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Willsons Group Services is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities for all its employees.
To this end we aim to ensure that:
No job applicant or employee will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of sex, marital status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or political or religious belief.
Job applicants and employees who are disabled, become disabled, or have a disability receive no less favourable treatment than others on the grounds of that disability unless, after making reasonable adjustments, there remain material and substantial reasons why it is not possible to do so.
Selection practices, promotion criteria and access to training and development activities will be kept under review to ensure that the selection, promotion, training and development of individuals are carried out on the basis of the job requirements and individuals’ relevant skills and abilities alone.
Willsons key actions for a harmonious workplace:
Find out what is happening in the workplace on a daily basis through employee feedback.
Seek out employees requiring assistance, education and offering relevant training, seminars or literature.
Where possible involve all employees in relevant discussions involving their immediate workplace.
We at Willsons, long ago realised that customers, clients and employees want to be associated with a company with great aspirations, longevity and security.
Creative Services
Online Ordering